Carol Ann Worthing, PhD
A Safe and Caring Approach to Your Psychotherapy and ‘LENS’ – Low Energy Neurofeedback System
Experienced with Individuals, Couples, Families, Children, Psychotherapy and ‘LENS’ – Low Energy Neurofeedback System.
- PhD in Psychology
- Psychotherapist Since 1992

At ‘Individual & Family Wholeness’, it is our mission to guide you to become emotionally whole and to help you deliberately build your life on that wholeness. Psychotherapist, Carol Ann Worthing, PhD provides a safe and caring approach to your psychotherapy and evaluations. Psychotherapy involves the use of a wide variety of theories and techniques to deal with your life issues.
One of those techniques is the ‘LENS’ – Low Energy Neurofeedback System. It is a revolutionary technique used for Restoring Optimal Brain Function. LENS has been around since 1988 and gently corrects the neurological pathways in the brain. The LENS is a biofeedback system certified by the United States FDA as a 501K exempt biofeedback device approved for relaxation and self-regulation.
Click here to read about the revolutionary results clients have received with the LENS... Low Energy Neurofeedback System!

How does LENS work? THE LENS is a neurofeedback system that uses feedback directly to the skin of the scalp and requires no visual or conscious effort or concentration. The feedback directly to the scalp insures that it is the client’s self-regulation rather than that of the therapist that regulates the feedback. The feedback travels down the same wires carrying the brain waves to the amplifier and computer. Although there is no measurable feedback signal, the feedback produces a measurable change in the brainwaves without conscious effort from the individual receiving the feedback, which also makes it ideal for children as well as adults. The LENS software allows the EEG signals that are recorded at the scalp to control the feedback. LENS treatments are painless, non-invasive, relaxing and require no concentration or effort.
We invite you to find out more about ‘Individual & Family Wholeness’ by browsing the rest of our website! For example, please visit the Biography page for more information on Dr. Worthing’s background; and the Psychotherapies page for more details on the types of issues that she can help you address. An outline of the professional services offered can be seen on the Services Page; and you can also search through many of the Articles Dr. Worthing has written by browsing the Newsletters Section of the site. For interesting knowledge about Psychotherapy, visit our Blog, ‘Did You Know?’, which is used as a learning tool. It is our hope that this web site will serve a multitude of purposes for you, your family, and those you know.

If you are in need of a Psychotherapist or Counselor, in Castle Rock, CO or anywhere in the surrounding region, click here for Office Scheduling and Payment Options
Jones, S.L. & Butman, R.E. (1991). Modern Psychotherapies.ILL: InterVarsity Press.