You can be Addicted to Alcohol if you Drink One or Two Glasses of Alcohol a Day
‘Did You Know’ you can be physically addicted to alcohol if you drink one or two glasses of alcohol a day? ‘Seeing is believing’, said the alcoholic son of his physically addicted father who was to have surgery. The physician of the father asked him if he drank, and if so how much, in the […]
Common Risk Factors for Drug or Alcohol Abuse or Dependence
‘Did You Know’ there are common and significant risk factors for drug and/or alcohol abuse or dependence? Some of these risk factors include the following: Genetic vulnerability/ predisposition Early exposure to alcohol and/or drugs Co-morbid presence of mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, ADHD, bipolar, PTSD, personality disorders, conduct disorder, etc. Family abuse, neglect, and […]
Relapse from Sobriety because of Denial of Relapse Warning Signs
‘Did You Know’ that people relapse from their sobriety of alcohol and/or drugs because of denial or ignoring relapse warning signs? Relapse from sobriety happens as a result of a process; it is not just an event. Some of the relapse signs might have to do with people, places, attitudes, feelings, thinking, behaviors, and […]
An Inexpensive way to find out your Blood Alcohol Level
‘Did You Know’ there is an easy, inexpensive way to know what your Blood Alcohol (BA) is when you are drinking? Most pharmacies market an alcohol breathalyzer that calculates the level of alcohol in the blood. As you drink, you can test your own blood alcohol level and know better when you have reached the […]
Mental Health Tidbits
‘Did You Know’ these ‘Mental Health Tidbits’? 1. ADD/ADHD children and adults are much more likely to wet their beds… why? They usually sleep deeply and don’t easily awaken to the body’s urge to urinate. 2. The experience of ‘déjà vu’ is feeling like you experienced something before when you know that you really did […]
Alcoholism is Considered a Progressive Disease
‘Did You Know’ alcoholism is called a ‘progressive disease’ for a very specific reason? If alcoholism is left untreated, it will eventually physically kill the alcoholic. Approximately one out of every thirty alcoholics dies sober! Alcohol is the cause of 60% of auto accidents. Fifty percent of beds in hospitals are taken because of drug […]
Love Addicted Relationships
‘Did You Know’ you may be in a ‘love addicted’ relationship, yet think it is a healthy functioning relationship? What are the indications of a ‘love addicted’ relationship? You experience intense feelings of ‘need’ for the other person You experience intense ‘need’ for the relationship You closely track the other person’s activities and whereabouts You […]
Your Addiction has a Price
‘Did You Know’ your addiction has a price you are paying for it and a cost of having it? The price of your addiction can be easily calculated. If you spend $50 a week for alcohol, nicotine, or another addiction, you have spent $2,600 a year for your addiction; $26,000 for 10 years of your […]
The Drug of Choice for Untreated ADHD and ADD
‘Did You Know’ the drug of choice for untreated ADHD and ADD individuals is usually marijuana? A significant risk factor for adolescent dependence and abuse of marijuana is the presence of a dual-diagnosis such as ADHD, ADD, depression, anxiety, conduct disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, or specific learning disorders. In private practice since 1992, ADD […]
Common Collators to Addiction
‘Did You Know’ there are commonly found collators to addiction? They are… Disengaged Family Style Rigid Family Style Permissive, Neglectful, Authoritarian Parenting Styles Self-Loathing Loneliness Denial: Rationalizing, Minimizing, Etc. Mental Disorders: Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, Bipolar, Personality Disorders, Etc. There are other valuable things to understand about addictions… No, not every child experiments with substances. Yes, […]