
How the Brain Processes Alcohol

‘Did You Know’ the brain of a non alcoholic processes alcohol differently than in the brain of the alcoholic? In a non alcoholic brain, Alcohol, after it is ingested, is broken down by the liver into a very toxic substance, Acetaldehyde.  Acetaldehyde then breaks down into Acetic Acid and is blown off by the lungs as […]

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Who are they that drink and drive?

“Who are they that drink and drive?” By Carol Ann Worthing, Ph.D. Re-Printed from: The Forensic Therapist, Vol. 5(2). Driving while impaired (DWI) represents one of America’s most insidious social problems. In 2002, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) reported that the nearly 1.5 million (1,461,746) arrests for driving while impaired accounted for 10.6% of […]

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Alcohol Dependency

You know if you have an addictive dependency on alcohol, drugs, or nicotine if #1 and #2 are present: #1 A maladapted pattern of the substance use leads to significant life impairment or distress. #2 At least three of the following are present: (a) Tolerance: you need more of the substance to reach the same […]

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Control Drinking over the Holidays

Excessive drinking can lead to vehicular accidents, hangovers, and unwanted calories and health problems. If you intend to celebrate with alcohol this holiday season, keep in mind the following tips on… How to Control Drinking and Be Safe over the Holidays: Attend only the gatherings you really want to go to Arrive close to mealtime […]

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