Types of Depressive Disorders
‘Did You Know’ there are many types of depression? Most people occasionally feel sad; however these feelings don’t usually last more than a few days. When a person has a depressive disorder, it may interfere with daily life, normal functioning, and may cause pain for both the person with the disorder and those close to […]
Fidelity in a Relationship
‘Did You Know’ that there is behavior that may direct an individual away from fidelity in a relationship? Behaviors that may lead one away from their spouse (or significant other) and towards another person include the following… Sharing private matters with friends before discussing them with your spouse. Spending inordinate amounts of time with one […]
Alcohol Dependency
You know if you have an addictive dependency on alcohol, drugs, or nicotine if #1 and #2 are present: #1 A maladapted pattern of the substance use leads to significant life impairment or distress. #2 At least three of the following are present: (a) Tolerance: you need more of the substance to reach the same […]
Depression During and After Pregnancy
What is Depression? Depression is more than just feeling “blue” or “down in the dumps” for a few days. It’s a serious illness that involves the brain. With depression, sad, anxious, or “empty” feelings don’t go away and interfere with day-to-day life and routines. These feelings can be mild to severe. The good news is […]