‘Did You Know’ Relationship Coaching and Counseling can help you redefine your relationships and identify the specifics of what you want in your friendships? Relationships are a primary source of our happiness or our disappointments and frustrations.
A healthy positive friendship brings us joy; is accepting of who we are; encourages us to be accountable and looks out for our best interests; is committed to taking the time to stay in touch; is loyal and stands by us in tough times; is positive, open, and allows us to grow; is respectful of our physical, emotional, and spiritual boundaries; shares our beliefs and values without judgment; and is truthful, honest, has integrity, and is a law-abiding citizen.
If you are passionate about having good relationships and want yours to mature to a place of deep meaning and connection, please call me for your Relationship Coaching and Counseling, Carol Ann Worthing, PhD, at 303-663-5846 or visit my Homepage here.
Carol Ann Worthing, PhD of Individual & Family Wholeness is a psychotherapist in private practice since 1992. She has her PhD in Psychology from Northcentral University in Arizona. She provides a safe and caring approach to your counseling and psychotherapy and evaluations for individuals, couples, families, and children. Her practice represents integrity, competency, and confidentiality, a safe and caring place for psychotherapy. It is her mission to guide you and your family to become emotionally and physically whole and to help you deliberately build your lives and families on that wholeness.