Effective Feedback can Solve Problems and Improve Communication

‘Did You Know’ giving and receiving effective feedback can help solve problems and improve the communication in your relationships?  

The following points may guide and improve your feedback skills…

  • Ask the receiver if you can offer helpful feedback.
  • Give feedback when you think the receiver is ready to hear it and soon after the behavior is exhibited.
  • Offer feedback that is specific rather than general.
  • Give feedback that is clear, concise, and brief.
  • Phrase your feedback in a positive, caring way.
  • Use reflective listening to clarify that the receiver is effectively under- standing your feedback.
  • Give feedback that focuses on behavior, not on who or what the person is.
  • Share feedback that describes how that behavior affects you.
  • Communicate feedback on behaviors that the person can reasonably change.

Do you have feedback and communications you need to express and you are not certain how to make it happen in a way that will convey the caring concern that you have for another?  Relationship coaching and counseling can help teach you how to implement tools and techniques that can solve problems and bring restoration to your relationships.

If you need counseling and coaching to infuse new approaches into your communication, please call me Carol Ann Worthing, PhD, at 303-663-5846 or visit my Contact page. I have over 20 years of professional experience with successful outcomes.

Carol Ann Worthing, PhD of Individual & Family Wholeness is a psychotherapist in private practice since 1992. She has her PhD in Psychology from Northcentral University in Arizona. She provides a safe and caring approach to your counseling and psychotherapy and evaluations for individuals, couples, families, and children. Her practice represents integrity, competency, and confidentiality, a safe and caring place for psychotherapy. It is her mission to guide you and your family to become emotionally and physically whole and to help you deliberately build your lives and families on that wholeness.

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