Did You Know?

Relationship Coaching and Counseling

‘Did You Know’ Relationship Coaching and Counseling can help you redefine your relationships and identify the specifics of what you want in your friendships?  Relationships are a primary source of our happiness or our disappointments and frustrations. A healthy positive friendship brings us joy; is accepting of who we are;  encourages us to be accountable […]

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Common Collators to Addiction

‘Did You Know’ there are commonly found collators to addiction? They are… Disengaged Family Style Rigid Family Style Permissive, Neglectful, Authoritarian Parenting Styles Self-Loathing Loneliness Denial: Rationalizing, Minimizing, Etc. Mental Disorders: Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, Bipolar, Personality Disorders, Etc. There are other valuable things to understand about addictions… No, not every child experiments with substances. Yes, […]

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Types of Depressive Disorders

‘Did You Know’ there are many types of depression? Most people occasionally feel sad; however these feelings don’t usually last more than a few days.  When a person has a depressive disorder, it may interfere with daily life, normal functioning, and may cause pain for both the person with the disorder and those close to […]

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Postpartum Depression

‘Did You Know’ there are numerous terms that are related to mood disorders previous to and following motherhood? The term ‘perinatal’ refers to both the prenatal and postnatal periods of motherhood; the term ‘postpartum’ refers to the mother’s experience after labor and delivery through the infant’s first year of life; and the term ‘antenatal’ refers […]

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Fidelity in a Relationship

‘Did You Know’ that there is behavior that may direct an individual away from fidelity in a relationship? Behaviors that may lead one away from their spouse (or significant other) and towards another person include the following… Sharing private matters with friends before discussing them with your spouse. Spending inordinate amounts of time with one […]

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How the Brain Processes Alcohol

‘Did You Know’ the brain of a non alcoholic processes alcohol differently than in the brain of the alcoholic? In a non alcoholic brain, Alcohol, after it is ingested, is broken down by the liver into a very toxic substance, Acetaldehyde.  Acetaldehyde then breaks down into Acetic Acid and is blown off by the lungs as […]

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Effective Communication in Relationships

‘Did You Know’ that effective communication is a major key to relationship harmony and satisfaction? Effective Communication in Relationships According to Author H. Norman Wright (2000) in Communication: Key to Your Marriage, three things are commonly taking place in marriages:  “there is a decline in understanding between marriage partners; there is a loss of the […]

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Ten Traits of Healthy Significant Relationships

Did you know there are ten traits of healthy significant relationships?   Strong relationships have these common characteristics which help them stand the test of time… 1.   Commitment, dedication 2.   Friendship 3.   Emotional and mental health 4.   Healthy, supportive friends 5.   Effective conflict resolution and decision making 6.   Serving each other with respect and admiration […]

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Alcohol Dependency

You know if you have an addictive dependency on alcohol, drugs, or nicotine if #1 and #2 are present: #1 A maladapted pattern of the substance use leads to significant life impairment or distress. #2 At least three of the following are present: (a) Tolerance: you need more of the substance to reach the same […]

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What is Depression?

Everyone occasionally feels blue or sad, but these feelings are usually fleeting and pass within a couple of days. When a person has a depressive disorder, it interferes with daily life, normal functioning, and causes pain for both the person with the disorder and those who care about him or her. Depression is a common […]

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