talking with children

Types of Depressive Disorders

‘Did You Know’ there are many types of depression? Most people occasionally feel sad; however these feelings don’t usually last more than a few days.  When a person has a depressive disorder, it may interfere with daily life, normal functioning, and may cause pain for both the person with the disorder and those close to […]

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Effective Communication in Relationships

‘Did You Know’ that effective communication is a major key to relationship harmony and satisfaction? Effective Communication in Relationships According to Author H. Norman Wright (2000) in Communication: Key to Your Marriage, three things are commonly taking place in marriages:  “there is a decline in understanding between marriage partners; there is a loss of the […]

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What is ADD and ADHD? Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are genetic disorders that result in a lack of blood flow in the frontal lobe of the brain. This results in a poor attention span, impulsive behavior, and/or hyperactivity. People rarely grow out of ADD/ADHD. Is ADD or ADHD over […]

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Indications that Your Child May Need Professional Help

All children need daily support and guidance.  However, some children are marked by more serious struggles and may require professional help from outside the family.  It is never too late to reach out for help.  Early intervention may reduce the damage that problems or acting-out behavior might cause. Watch for these… Indications that Your Child […]

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Good Mental Health for Children

Most parents find it easier to identify a child’s physical needs – balanced and nutritious meals; adequate shelter and clothing; sufficient rest and physical activity; medical care; and a safe living environment.  However, a child’s mental and emotional needs may not be as obvious.  Good mental health allows a child to think clearly and learn; […]

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Help Your Child Get Organized

Developing and maintaining good organizational skills is a key ingredient for success in school and in a child’s life. Anyone can put routines and systems in place to help a child get organized. Ten Ways to Help Your Child Get Organized: 1. Teach your child to use checklists to post assignments, chores, and reminders about […]

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Tips for Talking with Kids

Talking with kids… Parents are often confronted with roadblocks when communicating with their children.  Whether your kids are toddlers or teens, there will be frustrations with communication. Here are… Tips for Talking with Kids of All Ages: Communicate expectations with clear guidelines and boundaries. Maintain a controlled demeanor and calm tone of voice when talking […]

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